Last Call - 20 Days of TEASE #7

Here's the deal...Plain and simple  
21 days till release = 20 Days of TEASE for you!

Last Call
A New Adult Romantic Comedy/Suspense
Release Date: 10/21/13

Today is my wedding anniversary! So in honor of my special day I am sharing a wedding TEASE...
It's always good for me to be able to visualize scenes, even when they don't make it into the book in complete detail.  Here is my wedding inspiration for Last Call:

Mr. and Mrs. Grantham E. Guthry
Request the honor of your presence
At the marriage of their daughter
Mary Anne Guthry
Mr. Daniel Edward Livingston, III

On Saturday the Fifteenth of June
Two Thousand and Thirteen

Country Club of Charleston

Charleston, SC

The bride:

The lavender and crystal colored wedding decor. Reception is in an outdoor tent

Bridesmaids gowns

<---Savannah's dress and
her date --->