2015 Reading Challenge - Week two

I'm doing a reading challenge. If you missed the post you can find it HERE, but the gist is I'll post what I'm reading weekly here and pin the books on Pinterest too. I'd love to hear about your reads in the comments. Join me as we read through 2015 :) (track my posts here with the tag: 

Week Two Update...

  1. Book by a female author (what a silly category) - Easy Virtue by Mia Asher Erotic Romance
    So, I have to admit I didn't realize this was 'Erotic' until I started reading. I knew it would be steamy, but I didn't anticipate just HOW steamy. I've read many romances but only a handful of books that tipped into erotic territory. That being said, I did love this book. Take away ALL of the descriptive/dirty sex and there's an amazing story (sad but amazing). I read this as quasi-research for something I'm working on, but found myself dying at the cliffhanger ending - yes it's a series! - something else I didn't know going in. I will read the next one because I need to know what happens. Again, warning this is totally an adult book with very graphic sexual content and language - fair warning.
  2. Book by an author you haven't read yet - Beauty in the Ashes by Micalea Smeltzer NA Drama/Romance
    He's messed up, she's messed up, they're messed up together. 

Currently Reading

  1. Book at bottom of To-Read pile - Jane Austen Girl by Inglath Cooper - Contemp Romance I've had this one in my Kindle for a while, glad to be giving it a read.


Completed Previously

  1. Book you own but haven't read - Wide Awake by Shelly Crane  YA Romance/Mystery *Standalone
  2. Book you can read in a day - Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Tarry Fisher YA/NA Mystery/Romance/What IS this?? *Series


What have you read this week? Let me know in the comments...

2015 Reading Challenge - Wk 1 Update

If you follow me on Facebook you've seen me mention the 2015 Reading Challenge by PopSugar (Find it HERE). I love reading and I love challenges so this should be a breeze, right??

I decided I wanted to share in the fun with all of you. So, each week I'm going to update you on what I read as I mark books off the list.  AND I'm challenging you to take part with me! 

I've create a 2015 Reading Challenge board on Pinterest, I challenge you to do the same. Once you do, send me the link on FB or here in the comments so I can follow you. I love seeing what people are reading. I even picked my 'book to movie' read based on one readers board - we plan on reading it together!

Let's make this a fun way to read throughout the year and share our love of books. As a bonus, I'm going to come up with some cool prize packs to give away to readers who stick out the whole year with me. It'll be fun! Grab a book and let's read!!! 

Week One Update...

Finished Books

  1. Book you own but haven't read - Wide Awake by Shelly Crane  YA Romance/Mystery
    When Emma wakes up from a coma with no memory of her past, or what put her in a coma to begin with, she questions everything about her old life. The more she learns the more she wishes she'd never woken up. The one good thing she's found since awaking? Mason. Mason seems to only want her to be herself, but the more she leans on him, the more complicated things gets. *This is a standalone book in a series.
  2. Book you can read in a day - Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Tarry Fisher YA/NA Mystery/Romance/What IS this??
    As you would expect with a CoHo book this one has fabulously swoon-worthy moments. As you would expect with a Tarryn Fisher this book also has fabulously curse-out-loud-throw-your-Kindle moments. I can't explain it but oh my goodness I enjoyed it. *This is book one of who knows how many. It's also a short read at 140 pages. 

Still Reading

What have you read this week? Are you up for the challenge? Let me know in the comments...