2015 Reading Challenge - Week Nine

I'm soooo behind on my reading y'all! What are you reading? Let me live vicariously through you and update me.

Week Nine Update

Finished Reading

I finished Hero by Samantha Young (NA Romance/suspense) in the wee hours of the night. It's not  a specific book on the challenge, just a read. I love Samantha, her accent rocks (she's from Scotland!) and she is super sweet and talented. Hero is a sexy little book filled with humor and thrills. My favorite part of this story is it's not just an office romance and sex - there's meat in this romp. If you like a story with your steam, give Hero a try. Remember this is 18+

Currently Reading/ Up Next

I'm working on edits for Into The Fire right now and I'm behind schedule on writing so I have no idea when or what I will read next. I've always been one to read before bed, even if it's only a few pages, but lately I'm falling into bed exhausted. 
I have a few sequels I'm DYING to read here in the next few weeks so hopefully I can get to those soon. I also need to get back to the challenge list.

I'm supposed to read The Best of Me by Nicolas Sparks as my movie/book tie in with someone! Who is it?? It's been a few weeks since we talked, we need to do that! Anyone want to join us on that one?


Challenge books Completed Previously

  1. Book you own but haven't read - Wide Awake by Shelly Crane  YA Romance/Mystery *Standalone (Wk One Post
  2. Book you can read in a day - Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Tarry Fisher YA/NA Mystery/Romance/What IS this?? *Series (Wk One Post)
  3. Book by a female author (what a silly category) - Easy Virtue by Mia Asher Erotic Romance (Wk Two Post)
  4. Book by an author you haven't read yet - Beauty in the Ashes by Micalea Smeltzer NA Drama/Romance (Wk Two Post)
  5. Book at bottom of To-Read pile - Jane Austen Girl by Inglath Cooper - Contemp Romance.
  6. Book with non-humans - Kaleidoscope by Mindy Hayes - YA Fantasy. FREE 
  7. Book with one-word title - Inspire by Cora Carmack NA Fantasy Romance 

Non Challenge books read

  1. Me Without You by Mindy Hayes - Contemp Romance/Drama (clean) This one releases on 3/27. You need to read Me After You first so you can meet Alix and Aiden. If you like my books - the grab your tissues type reads - give this series a go.

What have you read this week? Let me know in the comments.