What I read in 2016 . . .

Here we are at the end of another year! Can you believe it? Let's look back at my year in books, shall we?

I started out my year with a challenge to read the physical books on my bookshelves. You know, those books I bought because they were so, so pretty, but had yet to crack them because my Kindle is filled with more amazing stories.
How did I do? Well, I was supposed to read one book from each letter of the alphabet. I failed at that pretty quickly, BUT I did read from my shelves. Here's the list:

Everneath — After the Rain — The F it List — The Loose Ends List
We were Liars — White Trash Beautiful — Cinderella Screwed Me Over
The Shadow Society — Bright Side — Queen of Bright and Shiny Things
Zero Day — Afterparty — Just Listen — Of Poseidon — November 9 —
And I Darken — Never Always Sometimes — The Here and Now — An Ember in the Ashes

I also re-read the Throne of Glass series (all from my shelves) before book 5 released. AND bought A Torch Against the Night in hardback after finishing book 1

So those were my on my shelves, already owned/or recently bought books read.

In addition, I read a variety of other fantasy, romance, smut, and thrillers. I read a lot of authors for the first time. I LOVE doing that. I found gems and some 'not for me' books, but all in all I am happy with my reading tally for the year - 57

That is the official tally including my re-reads and books I wrote, which obviously means I read them ;) 
