All the words must be had... an update.

Just an update to let y'all know I'm hard at work writing, writing, writing Into The Fire. This book doesn't want to end. It's been an amazing journey working on Dani's story. I've laughed, cried and sometimes I scream, but I so love her story.

My Week...

I'm doing my cover reveal - get ready it is AMAZEballs! - this week on the 19th. You will see it here and on my Facebook page. You can sign up to help share it as well HERE.  You don't have to be a blogger to share. If you have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr... any social media works for me ;)  AND there will be an iBooks pre-order link available too for all you Apple lovers! 

You can catch me over at the #Lovebites event on Facebook on the 19th at 8 pm EST. Hosted by Red Coat PR, #Lovebites is a THREE night All Genre Romance Sampler event with tons of amazing authors sharing samples of their stories, doing giveaways and playing games. Come chat with your favorite and meet some new ones! It starts on the 17th at 6 pm EST with Lila Felix so make sure you join in HERE

Week Six Reading Challenge...

I didn't read this week! Crazy, I know. I seriously either fell into bed around 4am every morning after writing all night or fell asleep at 11 after opening one page on my Kindle. So no update. I hope all my challenge readers are doing better than me. Let me know what you're reading!

Now, if you'll excuse me I'm back to finishing this book because as soon as I hit send to editor I'm moving right back into Never Without You (Tyalbrook #3). No rest for the wicked author is there??

Peace, Love and Awesome Reading my fabulous people ;)